With the changing season, there are bound to be mornings where there is fog covering the roadways. With this fog, it is likely that there will be many school delays and closings. However, the normal individual heading to work in the morning cannot delay their day. They must face the fog and head to work.
Since fog reduces the visibility on the roadway, it is critical that drivers operate their vehicles with extra caution and drive defensively.
- Leave plenty of distance between your car and the one in front of you.
Decreased visibility means longer braking times, so that added space is your friend. In other words, slow down! It may take you longer to get to your destination, but your safety is worth it.
- Take advantage of your windshield wipers and defrosters.
Moisture and ice on your windshield can create glare, which can make it even more difficult to see. Give yourself the best view possible by clearing off your windshield completely.
- Speaking of visibility: ditch your car’s high beams.
Low beams are actually better for driving in fog! If you don’t think your current headlights are powerful enough in low beam mode, consider a headlight replacement.
- Resist the common urge to use the lights of any vehicles in front of you as a guide.
This can actually cause you to focus too much on the narrow patch of landscape in front of you – causing you to miss other things!
- Skip cruise control.
Foggy roads can have surprises waiting, and it’s best to maintain complete control of your car.
- Don’t accelerate if a car behind you is too close.
It can be tempting to try and “lose” the guy who is right on your tail, but that can actually make your situation more dangerous. Stick to a safe, reasonable speed limit in the fog, even if other drivers don’t.
- Stay home when the fog is bad (if possible!).
Fog can make driving scary and dangerous, so stay off the roads altogether if you’re able. “The best advice for driving in the fog is DON’T.”
- Check your mirrors before slowing down, and gently apply your brakes.
The earlier you can start to tap the brakes, the better! Your brake lights will alert drivers behind you that you are slowing down, and you won’t catch them by surprise with a sudden stop.
- If you choose to pull over and wait out the fog, pull as far to the side of the road as possible.
Once you’re stopped, turn on your hazard lights.
The key to driving in the fog is to remember that everyone is having trouble seeing, so play it extra safe by getting well out of the way and using your lights to let other drivers know where you are. Pulling into a gas station or other roadside venue is a great idea.
Car Accident in the Fog Since the fog causes reduced visibility, the likelihood of an accident occurring is much higher. It is the responsibility of the driver to be defensive behind the wheel and operate their vehicle with caution. While fog may be a factor in an accident, a driver is always deemed at-fault for the accident.
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